
JLH Mattress - ведущий оптовый производитель матрасов и кроватей & Поставщик в Китае с 1992 года.

black hybrid mattress
black hybrid mattress Every year, the black hybrid mattress makes a great contribution to JINLONGHENG FURNITURE CO.,LTD in profit making. In fact, it is a product funded greatly and developed continuously. Our professional designers, depending on the annual market survey and comment collection, may modify the product by looking, function, etc. This is an important way for the product to maintain the leading role in the market. Our technicians are keys in monitoring and controlling the production which is aimed at 100% quality guarantee. All this are reasons for this product of excellent performance and wide applications.

JLH black hybrid mattress Always ready to listen to customers, teams from JINLONGHENG Mattress will assist in guaranteeing the constant performance of black hybrid mattress throughout its service life.luxurious green latex mattress,mattresses manufacturing,hotel bed manufacturers.
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Контактное лицо: Аллен Кай

TEL: +86-757-86908020


FAX: +86-757-86905980

Электронная почта: info@jlhmattress.cn

ДОБАВИТЬ: №1 по улице Кантай-Саут-Роуд, промышленный парк Шатоу, район Наньхай, город Фошань, провинция Гуандун, Китай.

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